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Transformation Next – Digital Life Insurance

Explore the Power of the Next Big Insurtech Disruptor

The financial world might be bringing up the rear in the digital revolution, but it’s bringing billions in revenue with it. And from mobile payments to blockchain and digital currencies, the industry is clearly showing signs of increased disruption.

This free eBook explores everything you need to know about the next insurtech disruptor—digital insurance—including how to harness its power while avoiding its potential pitfalls.

What’s Inside

Savvy Statistics

In 2018, 50% of adults admitted to searching for life insurance in the past year with a third attempting to make purchases online. That provides tremendous growth opportunity.

Lucrative Lists

Risk has always been a numbers game. Now, digital insurance can calculate it using a calculator instead of a slide rule. This digital upgrade means better results, faster.

Quality Quotes

Like any well constructed portfolio, your product offerings should have some range. Digital insurance may bring some risks, but it also brings a huge potential upside.